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Environmental Awareness


Millennium Printing Corporation is committed to the quality of our products, services and more importantly, the environment. We strive to reduce energy consumption, waste, and the overall carbon footprint of everything we print, package or mail. Our press and pre-press areas have been updated beyond industry standards by installing an eco-friendly air filtration system. By advocating best business practices for all our clients, we find a practical solution to environmental issues and trends in the print industry.




Our GO GREEN initiatives


  • Our pre-press department uses a direct-to-plate system that uses SilverStream polyester plates and does not require the output of film.

  • All of our inks are water-based and safe for the environment.

  • Our state-of-the-art pressroom air filtration system limits the amount of gases emitted into the environment.

  • All house paper stocks have pre and post-consumer recycled content.

  • We require all Millennium paper merchants to be certified suppliers of FSC, SFI and PEFC papers.

  • All clients are encouraged to use certified papers whenever possible.

  • The recycled symbol is added to all jobs we print, as appropriate.

  • In-house scrap paper is regularly recycled into note pads for in-office use.



Why buy recycled paper?

You should buy recycled paper because over 90% of paper made in America is still made from trees. For every 20 cases of recycled paper substituted for non recycled paper, you save 17 trees, 390 gallons of oil, 7,000 gallons of water and 4,100 kwh of energy. You will also eliminate 60 pounds of air polluting emissions and save 8 cubic feet of landfill space. This is a HUGE benefit for simply changing to a product that is just as good as the product you currently use.



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